Carol Brooks Ball

Writer | Editor | Digital Media Professional | Social Media Expert | Brand Specialist

Colleague and Client Testimonials 

Carol is a consummate editor, wordsmith, aggressive advocate for the public right to know, and a great mentor to reporters. I have had the good fortune to work with her on matters relating to newspaper legal issues, and I have the highest opinion of her work.

Rob Bertsche, Partner at Prince Lobel Tye LLP (Media and First Amendment, Social Media, Intellectual Property, and Employment law)

To say that Carol is a tremendous asset to AARP is a considerable understatement. Despite the fact that she is based in Massachusetts, she NEVER hesitates to share her considerable expertise regarding social media, her amazing technical skills, her expertise in designing highly detailed graphics, and her professional production skills with literally anyone in the organization. This goes far above and beyond the call of duty, as her job description does not include proving these outstanding services to staff around the country. Her digital blog posts, videos, social media work and production skills are simply outstanding. 

Laura Polacheck, Communications Director at AARP

Carol’s vast and practical knowledge of digital marketing is impressive, but it’s her informed applications to specific client needs that sets her apart from other digital marketing mavens. Carol’s expertise would help businesses of any size increase — or launch — their digital engagement.

Peter Spellman, Next Calling: Career Re/Design Guide

Carol had a keen sense of what content was lacking on our website. Once she arrived, she made it a goal to fill those needs immediately. She kept the site fresh and dynamic daily, with topics that mattered to our audience of elementary thru high school parents.

Janelle Ng, Creative Director at School Family Media, Inc.

Carol Brooks Ball has a broad spectrum of talents rarely found in one person...print media, digital media, content creation, superior people skills and a great sense of humor ... all in one package.

Sandi Rygiel, Picture Research Consultants

Working with Carol is like working with an ideal version of yourself—her keen eye and ear are attuned to both the necessary information and the deeper purpose of your message, bringing your communications to life with precision and impact. In an information-saturated digital landscape, Carol's work has the effect of a team of ambassadors that connect directly with their intended audience. Its value is inestimable, and I am profoundly grateful for Carol's contribution to my campaign for state representative.

Allison Gustavson, candidate for MA State Representative, 4th Essex District